Friday, October 15, 2010

Hello there

Well. Seems like it's been a while. But maybe not. I don't know. So right now I'm sitting here with nothing to do, so I thought I'd update my blog. I don't have a real topic here. So this will be kind of rambling.

I did watch a German movie in the language lab today about a guy who breaks in to rich people's houses, rearranges their stuff, and leaves a message condemning their wealth. I didn't finish the movie, because German movie are awful and typically over 2 hours. But it did make me think a moment about rich people. The movie gives a rather false portrayal of rich people in general. Not every rich person is out to destroy the poor and make them suffer. Most of them just don't see life from the other side. And of course they are too afraid to try living without money because they live so comfortably with money.

n that's about it.

Monday, October 11, 2010


On a serious note this time.

I am starting my own personal study into the book of Philippians. I read chapter 1 for my personal devotion this morning. Pretty incredible stuff.

Verse 21 really stood out to me. I'm sure most if not all of you have at least heard this verse. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (ESV). To me, that sounds like something from a really awesome movie where the hero is being held at gunpoint and tells the villain that whether he lives or dies it's a win-win situation. That isn't always true however, because your typical movie hero is 90% of the time Agnostic or just plain apathetic and 10% of the time Atheist. That's just Hollywood for you. Christians just aren't "cool" enough. 

Well you wanna know what I think?

I think "being cool" isn't "cool" enough. Meaning I think being cool is a rather useless endeavor. Oh, look at me, some guy I don't know knows who I am. I think I would be creeped out a bit if someone who I'd never met knew me. I'd also feel like there was a bigger target on my head. And right now I'm talking more about fame than local popularity. So what if everyone likes you. What most people don't realize is that "cool" people are not in control at all. They are controlled by those who think of them as "cool". They must act in the manner dictated to them to retain such a status. Any sign that they are acting of their own will and they're not "cool" any more. They simply obey the lies fed to them by enemy number one: the media. 

Sorry guys but I really hate the media. Just saying. They have so much power whether they realize it or not and I've never once seen them use it for a productive purpose. They typically bash people and idolize self-destructive behaviour. Yeah, I spelled it the British way. Cup of tea? Nevermind. I love Earl Grey tea. And Chai tea. And Dragon Eye Oolong tea. Yeah. No green tea though. 

So that really had nothing to do with Philippians. Funny how one thing leads to another, eh? Canadians. 

But yeah. I'm studying Philippians in my personal quiet time now. Please pray that God will reveal wisdom to me through my studies, as I will pray for you, my readers. Thanks and Your welcome.

(Google Translate will give you "It also!" but this actually means "See you later." Never trust internet translators.) 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Short post

This is going to be a short post. I'm about to start into a magic journey known as a Super Smash Bros. Party.

Link FTW. Or Marth. One of those two. I like Marth because he speaks Japanese XD. Also because he's awesome.

I thought that maybe having friends around would give me inspirations while I type this. It doesn't really. They're just talking about memes and watching youtube videos, completely unaware that I am writing about them. XD

On another note there are some pretty hilarious videos on Youtube. Go search "Vintage 21 Jesus videos". There are 4 of them. They are a parody of misconceptions people have of Jesus through taking an old Jesus movie and redoing the dialogue and it is hysterical. Look at me, I used a big word. I thought about saying "hilarious." Really, I did.

And that's about it for now. I haven't decided how often I'm going to update this but I probably will switch to a once-a-week update so that I don't burn myself out on it. I will post if something comes to me on the spur of the moment.

The few. The proud. My readers.

Thanks for listening. Unless you can't read English. In that case, thanks for trying.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Post

Hello, and welcome to Irrelevant Information. I'm assuming that if you are reading this that you are very bored or that I've bullied you into it with some sort of facebook message or whatnot. Don't feel obligated to stay and read everything or follow my blog. I certainly can't make you. I wouldn't even if I could. I just get bored. So I type things into internet boxes and pretend people read it.
Alas, I've discovered the tab key does not function properly in said box.

Double-spacing will have to do.

The majority of my blog posts will probably be stories of something that happened to me recently and how I tend to think deeply on them. Or it may just be me during a philosophical mood. Scary. As I am not the most well-rounded person in my interests, it is completely obvious that not everyone will like the same things I do. Regardless, I thought I'd share this story anyway:

I don't know how few of you reading this have played the videogame The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but I recently read a horrifying short story about a supposedly haunted copy of the game. It was extremely well written and for the first couple of pages I thought the writer was telling the truth. I had my doubts, of course, for the simple fact that it was on the internet, and everyone lies on the internet. Don't trust everything you read form the internet. Even here. I am Darth Vader and I love to make waffles every morning while listening to light jazz. See? Anyway, The writer later posted an apology that he had to explain that the whole story was a joke because he lacked the resources to keep it going. Still, even after knowing it was fake, it was terrifying. In the "haunted" version of the game, a statue known as BEN followed Link (the game's protagonist) around through eerie twisted versions of the game's original environments. The statue was actually an in-game object called an "Elegy of Emptiness" statue, and the statue simply looked like Link with an eerily blank expression. After reading the story, I keep expecting statues to pop up behind and some sort of spirit to start to haunt me. I know better than this. But still, your mind plays tricks, you know?
And so I leave you here, dear reader, hoping you don't feel as though you've wasted your time.

If there ARE readers.